Business Profile
Account & Product Setup
Account Signers


Please tell us about the Citi products you currently use and ones you may use in the future

The regulatory Know Your Customer process requires information on potential future product use. Your answers here can be estimated and you’re under no obligation to use these products.

Will your business be providing or doing any of the following:

Check cashing services (offering cash back from checks you receive), money transmission services, or selling financial instruments such as money orders or travelers checks?

Sending or receiving wires to/from countries outside of the United States?

Depositing or withdrawing more than $120,000 in cash, travelers checks or money orders each month?

Hold or transact any funds in these accounts that belong to one or more of your customers and are not part of your business’s operating funds?
(For example: Will any funds be held as an investment for a client, or used to settle funds similar to an investment service or trust agreement?)

Currency exchanging or dealing services for your clients?