Account Opening & Product Setup
Hi Dan, Here's What We're Working Towards Today

The SOW we've put together outlines the following solutions we'll be working towards today.

  • Placehold text for solution 1
  • Placehold text for solution 2
  • Placehold text for solution 3

In the interest of getting your requested accounts opened, we pulled the information you've already provided and your Citi Case Manager has given you a head start. Whenever you're ready, let's keep going and finish out the details.

Checking Account
Money Market Acct
Certificat of Deposit
Savings Account

Learn More About The Process

Business Profile

Provide general information about yourself and your business. For example: Your name and address, your businesses name, address, legal structure, etc.

This section typically takes 5-10 minutes

Account & Product Setup

Provide information on the individual accounts you’re opening and which products they will be associated with. For example: Account name, type, etc.

This section typically takes 5-10 minutes
As a heads up, International accounts will need less standard information than domestic accounts

Account Signers

Provide information about the people who will have access to your accounts and the ability to make transactions. For Example: SSN, % Ownership of the Business, Citizenship, etc.

This section typically takes 10 minutes
These people will be emailed to provide their digital signatues

Regulatory Requirements

Provide regulatory information to ensure your accounts are opened correctly according to all necessary laws. For Example: _____

This section typically takes 15 minutes
This section will require you to upload documents. We’ll provide you with samples so you know which ones to grab!

Citi Review

After you finish the Regulatory Requirements, you will submit your account and product opening information for Citi Review. Your Citi Case Manager and others will confirm the information is all correct and then email you documents for final signature.

This review typically takes up to one week


This is the last step in getting your accounts and products opened! After the Citi Review, you will receive an email with a link to digitally sign your Citi documents. Once this is complete, there will be final processing and then your accounts will be open and ready for use.

This typically takes 1 day